Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Samsung Rugby

Samsung Rugby Smart goes official for AT&T

Samsung's Android lineup in the United States just got a serious dash of toughness with the addition of the Rugby Smart for AT&T Wireless.
The handset is built up to mil-std 810f military spec standards. It is dust proof, shock resistant, and can be be submerged in 1m of water for 30 minutes. Extreme temperatures are also handled by the device.
The phone specs include a 3.7" WVGA Super AMOLED display, 4GB of built-in memory, and 5MP snapper, capable of shooting 720p videos. Full connectivity suite is present sans LTE. The OS on tap is Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Strangely, the CPU and amount of RAM are not available at the moment.
The Samsung Rugby Smart measures come at 122.4 x 65.9 x 12.19mm, while its weight tips the scale at the highly acceptable for a rugged device, 119 grams. Its battery has 1650mAh capacity.
The handset will be available exclusively for AT&T on March 4 for $99.99 with a two-year contract. The carrier has released a handy video, which showcases some the talents of the Samsung Rugby Smart. See it below.

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Jadwal semester 2

Senin 15:20 - 16:59 B TIU4002   Sistem Operasi  TIF01 - 5.3
Selasa 09:30 - 11:59 B TIK4003   Sistem Mikroprosesor   TIF02 - A2.24
Selasa 12:50 - 15:19 B TIK4001   Elektronika Analog   TIF02 - A2.16
Rabu 14:30 - 16:09 B MPK4001   PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM   TIF01 - 3.3
Rabu 18:40 - 21:09 B TIU4001   Matematika Diskrit   TIF02 - A2.23
Kamis 07:00 - 09:29 B TIU4201   Probabilitas & Statistika   TIF02 - A2.24
Kamis 12:50 - 15:19 B TIK4002   Elektronika Digital   TIF01 - 5.2
Kamis 16:10 - 17:49 B TIU4002   Sistem Operasi   TIF01 - 5.3
Jumat 07:00 - 08:39 B TIK4003   Sistem Mikroprosesor   TIF02 - A2.24



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